Quick contact info

icon_widget_image BRACI CONSTRUCTION CORP 2058 70TH, street. BROOKLYN NY, 11204-5413 13478545356 icon_widget_image [email protected]

Get to know us


For more than 10 years Braci Construction Company has covered the construction and reconstruction of buildings while offering the best prices in America (New York). During this experience we have worked on presenting the best prices and quality in the market, and giving you the optimal solution for your needs and requirements.


Our Vision

To fulfil what the costumers need for their houses and support you through every step. To provide on-site security for people, materials and protection of client assets.


Our Mission

Our company aims to complete each and every project in an innovative, efficient, and cost-effective manner. The main goal of Braci Construction is to provide quality while projecting integrity and the highest standards for your homes. We are liable and with strong ethical standards in all we do. Dedicated to working together to achieve the best results.